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CBSE Class 6 English Composition Based on Verbal Input

1. Pleasures Of Watching Television

Outlines :
Cheapest source of entertainment—for all ages and topics—fun and infor¬mation—childrens’ special—family serials etc. ;

Television has become the cheapest source of entertainment. It is watched by all for it gives everybody a choice of programmes. These programmes are on all topics and for people of all age groups. So there are many pleasures of watching television. First of all, it gives us the latest inforrhation about every event. We get the latest news from it. It adds to our knowledge. It entertains us by its programmes on films. There are programmes for children, young and the old. Housewives see various serials of family interest. Television is like newspapers. It has brought the world of entertainment to one’s bedroom.
CBSE Class 6 English Composition Based on Verbal Input 1

2. A Small Family Is A Happy Family

Outlines :
More people more demands—difficult to fulfil—poor country—people un-employed and underemployed—small family, small worry.

Small family is always a happy family. More mouths mean more and more things. It is very difficult to manage these things in these days. There is poverty in the country. Then many persons in the country do not have good jobs. They barely manage to live within their means. In a small family food, clothing, education, health etc, can be looked after. We can give the small family quality things. They would go higher in their lives. In short, they would become successful in their careers. Their lives will be full of pleasure and devoid of worry.
CBSE Class 6 English Composition Based on Verbal Input 2

3. Joy Of Living In A Village

Outlines :
Full of joy—no crowds—peace—fresh air—simple living—no noise—beauty of nature.

There is, indeed, a great joy in village life. The villages are calm. They are not overcrowded. The life in them is carefree. There is fresh air all around. The fields present a very beautiful scene. One is always at peace of mind in the village. The food is pure and simple. But it is very good for health. It is not adulterated as it is in cities. Then there is no noise in the village. There is no traffic-jam. One can walk leisurely in a village.
CBSE Class 6 English Composition Based on Verbal Input 3

4. Disadvantages Of Living In A Big City

Outlines :
Many disadvantages—tension and hurry—expensive life—crowded streets— frightening traffic—no fresh air—unnatural life.

There are many disadvantages of living in a big city. Life in it is always full of tension. Everybody seems in a hurry suffering from worry. Things are always not within reach. But they are available in black market. Facilities are limited. There is always a crowd. Buses and trains do not come in time. There is a big crowd in them. Then one can’t cross the roads easily. There are big and tall buildings and big colonies. Natural scenes are absent in big cities. Fresh air is not easily available. Eveiything is artificial.
CBSE Class 6 English Composition Based on Verbal Input 4

5. If I Were The Principal Of My School

Outlines :
Held in fear—love of education—enforce discipline—I will be different—dear to students—give them chance to show—talent—be friend, philosopher and guide.

Students are always afraid of their Principals. It is due to their love of education. The Principals want their students to progress in life. If they do not do their work, they beat them. Then the Principals enforce discipline among their students. But if I were the Principal, I would endear myself to them. I would remove the causes of fear from their minds. I would see that they are not afraid of me. I would see that their hidden talents are out. I would solve all their problems regarding their studies. I would be their friend, philosopher and guide.
CBSE Class 6 English Composition Based on Verbal Input 5

6. My Grandmother

Outlines :
Old—yet active—wakes up early—tea—cleans her room—bath—temple prayer—shopping—takes me to bus—helps in studies—loves birds and animals.

Like all grandmothers my grandmother is also old. She has wrinkles all over her body. She is seventy years old. Despite it she is still very active. She rises early in the morning. She takes a bath and prays. Then she starts work¬ing. She cleans the house. She helps my mother in the kitchen. She even goes to the nearby shops to buy things. She takes me to the bus stand. When I come from school, she takes me back home. She also helps me in my studies. She feeds the sparrows during the afternoon. I love her very much.
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7. An Ideal Teacher

Outlines :
Rare—loves learning—sacrificing—missionary—unselfish love—high thinking—simple loving—an ideal for his students.
The ideal persons are rare in life. It is more so in the field of education.

An ideal teacher is one who loves to learn and to teach. His mission in life is teaching. He sacrifices his every thing for the cause of education. He is always giving everything to his students. He has no interest in money or power. His only aim in life is to teach his students to be good persons. An ideal teacher is above worldly pleasures. He is like a saint who serves the people selflessly.
CBSE Class 6 English Composition Based on Verbal Input 7

8. Environmental Pollution

Outlines :
Pollution—a global problem—dangerous to life—three main types of pollution—their cause and prevention—conclusion.

Environmental Pollution is now a global problem. It is a great danger to human life. There is air, water and sound pollution. Air pollution is caused by vehicles’ and factories’ smoke. It contains carbon monoxide and carbon diox¬ide. These cause diseases like asthma. Factories release poisonous water into rivers. This pollutes the water. It is not fit for drinking. It causes various wa¬ter-born diseases. The sound pollution is caused by music shops, pressure horns and loudspeakers. People become deaf. Their blood pressure rises. It causes heart failure. So environmental pollution is dangerous.
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9. Need For Moral Education In Schools

Outlines :
Moral education—the need of the hour—society lacking in morals—the need to increase brotherhood—no quarrelling—tolerance and love—our age old culture.

We find that our moral standards are very low. This may be due to many factors. Morals are very important for the society. So there is a great need of moral education in schools. There are no fellow-feelings among the people. They are always ready to fight. They have anger, ill-will, jealousy. They have become selfish. They do not think of others. The humanity is vanishing. So to bring back the glory of our age-old culture, moral education is necessary.
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10. Why I Love My Country

Outlines :
Country—above all other things —essential for survival—mortal man— immortal country—sacred and supreme—ready to make sacrifice for the country.

My country is the dearest of all things to me. It is above parents, mem¬bers of the family and all other things. Because of it,- we exist. It gives me an identity. It is both my motherland and fatherland. I owe everything to it. I am made from its dust. Man is mortal but the country is immortal. People come and go. But the country and its identity is permanent. It is something sacred and supreme for me. I love my country the most. I wouldn’t hesitate to make any sacrifice for my country.
CBSE Class 6 English Composition Based on Verbal Input 10

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