Chapter – 7
The Adventure
In this post, we have given the Important Questions of the chapter 7 “The Adventure”. It is the 7thchapter of the prose of Class 11th English.
Chapter – 7
The Adventure
Short Answer Type
Q.1. Who was Professor Gaitonde? What was his plan in Bombay?
Ans. Professor Gaitonde was a historian. He had written five volumes on History. He was on his way to Bombay. He planned to go to a library and consult the history books there to find out how present state of affairs was reached.
Q.2. What for did professor Gaitonde enter the Forbes building? What was his experience there?
Ans. The professor went to Forbes building to meet Vinaya Gaitonde his own son. The receptionist reach through the directory of employees. But there was no person bearing that name. It was a big blow. He felt that so far everything had been shocking so the below of non-existence of his son was not totally unexpected.
Chapter – 7
The Adventure
Q.3. What did the professor do in the Town Hall Library?
Ans. The professor consulted the history books that he himself had written. There was no change in the events upto death of Aurangezeb. The change had occurred in last volume. He read the description of the battle of Panipat. Aadali was defeated by Maratha army led by Sadashivrao Bhau and his nephew. Vishwasrao. It established
the supremacy of the marathas. They set up their science research centres. They accepted the help of English experts.
Q.4. What did the professor wish to find out in history books?
Ans. He wished to find the answer to his question how Marathas won the Battle of Panipat. He found a clue in the book titled Bakhars. Vishwasrao had a narrow escape from being killed by the bullet that brushed past his ear. This boosted the morale of Maratha army and they won the battle.
Chapter – 7
The Adventure
Q.5. ‘But why did I make the transition? What explanation did Rajendra give to the professor?
Ans. Rajendra guessed that the transition must have been caused by some interaction. Perhaps the professor had been thinking at the time of collision about Catastrophic theory and its role in wars. The professor admitted that he had been wondering at that time what course history would have taken if the Marathas have won the Battle
of Panipat.
Chapter – 7
The Adventure
Long Answers Type Questions
Q.1. How did Rajendra Deshparde apply his theory of Catastrophic experience regarding the Battle of Panipat?
Ans. Gangadherpant narrated to Rajendra his experience at the Azad Maidan meeting. For two days he was in coma. He had met with an accident. He asked Rajendra Prasad to explain where he had spent those days. He admitted that he had been thinking of the catastrophic theory before the collision and how it could charge the history course. He produced a page from the Bakhar to prove that his mind was working normally. The page described that Vishwasrao had not escaped the bullet, rather he had been killed. If was just contrary to what his own history book said. And he wanted to known the facts.
Q.2. How did Rajendera explain the concept of reality with the example of movement of an electron?
Ans. Rajandra Deshpande tried to rationalise the professor’s experience on the basis of two scientific theories. Gangedharpant had passed through a strange catastrophic experience. The juncture at which Vishwasrao was killed in the Battle proved to be turning point. The Marathas lost heir morale and lost the battle. Rajendra then moved to his second explanation. Reality is not exactly what we experience directly with our senses. It can have other manifestations also e.g., the electron does n’t follow the laws of science. It is called lack of determinism in quantum theory. It can be found in different places & each is real. It happens by transition. Professor also experienced two world one that was present, in other that might have been.
Chapter – 7
The Adventure
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