NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Unit-10
Reading is Fun
1.From where did the naughty boy come?
Ans.The naughty boy came from England.
2.Where did the naughty boy go?
Ans. The naughty boy went to Scotland
3.Why did he go there?
Ans.He went there to see its people and things there.
4.What did the boy wonder about?
Ans.The boy wondered that all the things found in Scotland were all the same as in England.
Let’s Listen
1.Listen to these instructions and follow them.
(а) naughty walk forward
(b) naughty walk backwards
(c) fall down
(d) do a funny trick
(e) walk on tiptoes
(f) drag your feet
(g) spin around
(h) jump like a horse .
(i) walk with your shoes
(j) shuffle your feet
Ans.Do it Yourself
Let’s Talk
1.What do you think the naughty boy would see in India?
Ans. The naughty boy would see everything same in India.
2.Have you recently been to another place? What is it like? How is it different from your own place?
Ans.Do it yourself.
3.All cultures have their own folk songs in which each line is repeated. This line is sung in a chorus. Sing a folk song in your own language.
Ans.Do it yourself.
Word Building
1.Naughty is a describing word. Can you find more describing words can you find in this maze?
2.Now write these words here-
(а) The peacock is a beautiful bird.
(b) Pinocchio is a naughty puppet.
(c) I saw an ugly quarrel.
(d)) Morning exercises make you healthy.
(e) A glass of milk makes your teeth strong.
(f) Rita’s rude behaviour annoyed me.
(g) Rahul does not eat green vegetables, therefore his eyesight is weak.
Let’s Write
1.Can you write six things that are made of wood?
chair table bookshelf
bench cupboard bat
2.Look at the words given below and put them under the things that they are
balloon chair table eraser shirt
pencil toys car trousers knife
scissors cap
metal wood rubber cloth
car chair balloon shirt
knife table eraser trousers
scissors pencil toys cap
3.Who do you think is the naughtiest child in your class?
Describe her/him in five lines.
• Sanju is the naughtiest boy in my class.
• He never concentrates on his studies.
• He disturbs me and other students of the class.
• So long the teacher is there in the class, he tries to be silent. But the moment he/she goes out he starts shouting.
• He often beats his classmates.
Say Aloud
hard yard long song
weighty eighty found ground
Fund Time
Let’s make a mosaic hat for your clown You need
• Mirrors/beads of different size and shapes
• Fevicol/glue/gum
• A piece of cardboard
• Sketch pens
• Take a piece of old cardboard.
• Draw a colourful pattern on it.
• Take glue/gum and apply it on the surface and stick beads/mirrors/pulses on it.
• Fold it into a cone.
• Your lovely Mosaic Hat is now ready.
• Put it on your clown.
Which country does your clown belong to? Now complete the table below-
Nation Nationality
India – Indian
Scotland Scotish
Australia Australian
France French
Japan Japanese
Reading is Fun
1.What did the carpenter buy?
Ans.The carpenter bought a strange piece of wood.
2.What did he make out of it?
Ans.He made a puppet boy out of it.
3.What did he call his puppet?
Ans.He called his puppet Pinocchio.
4.What did Pinocchio say in the end?
Ans.Pinocchio said in the end that he was glad to be a real boy. He would never lie again.
Let’s Talk
1.Have you ever seen puppet?
Ans. Yes, I have seen a puppet.
2.Tell the story of Pinocchio with actions.
Ans. Do it yourself.
Word Building
Word Fun
How many words can you make from PINOCCHIO?
Fill them in the empty boxes.
Let’s Write
1.Make opposites with the words-
respect disrespect own disown
able disable capable incapable
efficient inefficient secure insecure
2.Make naming words by adding ness, ity, ty at the end of the words given below. One has been done for you.
public publicity stupid stupidity
forgive forgiveness blind blindness
kind kindness cruel cruelty
polite politeness swift swiftness
moral morality solid solidity
3.Which of the following would you expect a carpenter to use at work?
bench, poker, plane, chisel, fork, spade, blotting paper, lawn-mower, telescope, pincers, jaw, scissors, hammer, map, nails, lathe, pencil, anvil.
plane lathe
chisel pencil
hammer anvil
nails spade
4. Now make sentences using some of the above words.
• Plane – The carpenter used his plane on the wood to make it smooth.
• Chisel – He chiselled some marble.
• Hammer – The carpenter lost his hammer.
• Nails – I hit some nails with the hammer on the wall.
• Lathe – The carpenter’s new lathe was stolen.
• Pencil – I have bought an HB-pencil.
• Anvil –
• Spade – He is working in the garden with a spade.
5.Give another word from the story that means
completed finished
surprised amazed
strange queer
make up your mind decided
6. Add ‘-er’ or ‘-r’ to the doing words below to make new words.
stiff stiffer strange stranger
fight fighter dance dancer
juggle juggler ride rider
speak speaker use user
write writer joke joker
Comprehension Passage
Once a cunning jackal jumped into a big tub of blue dye.
“I am your king”, he said. All the animals, big and small believed him and bowed before him. The clever jackal smiled. Now he wag’ the most powerful animal in the forest. He was proud to be a king.
Once, the jackal woke up in the middle of the night. The jackals in the forest were howling at the full moon in the sky. The blue jackal forgot he was a king. He, too, began to howl.
“Hu…aah! Hu…aah! he cried.
The animals ran out to see. “He is not a king. He is just a jackal!” they shouted.
They rushed to attack him.
“Stop, stop! I am sorry I tricked you. Please do not kill me!” said the blue jackal.
The animals forgave him, but only after giving the jackal a good beating.
– A Panchtantra tale
Reading is Fun
1. Why did the animals think that the jackal was a king?
2. How did the jackal become blue?
3. What did the animals do when they saw the blue jackal?
4. Why did the dogs feel scared when they saw the jackal?
5. How did the animals know that the king was just a jackal?
1. The animals thought that the jackal was a king because he dyed himself in blue colour.
2. The jackal jumped into a big tub of blue dye and became blue.
3. When the animals saw the blue jackal, they thought that he was their king and bowed before him.
4. The dogs felt scared when they saw the jackal because he (jackal) was looking fearful in blue colour.
5. Once the jackal got up in the middle of the night hearing other jackals’ howl in the forests. He forget he was a king and began to howl loudly. All the animals ran out to see and found that it was the jackal who was howling. In this way they came to know that the king was just a jackal.
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