Novels, Society and History Class 10 Notes Social Science History Chapter 8 The Rise of the Novel: Novel is a modem form of literature. It is born because of print which is a mechanical invention. Novels could reach a larger audience because of print. Novels began to be written from the 17th century and flowered [...]
Novels, Society and History Class 10 Notes Social Science History Chapter 8 The Rise of the Novel: Novel is a modem form of literature. It is born because of print which is a mechanical invention. Novels could reach a larger audience because of print. Novels began to be written from the 17th century and flowered [...]
Print Culture and Modern World Class 10 Notes Social Science History Chapter 7 Printing in the early days: Invention of Printing Press had a very lasting effect on the social and cultural life of man. Print initially developed in East Asia and later developed through Europe and India. Before the era of print or invention [...]
Work, Life and Leisure Class 10 Notes Social Science History Chapter 6 Role of industrialization in shaping of the modem cities in England: The early industrial cities of Britain such as Leeds and Manchester attracted large numbers of migrants to the textile mills set up in the eighteenth century. During the 18th and 19th centuries, [...]
The Age of Industrialization Class 10 Notes Social Science History Chapter 5 Key Concepts: An association of craftsmen or merchants following same craft to protect the members interest and supervise the standard of the work. Tanning. Convert raw hide into leather by soaking in liquid containing tannic acid. Food processing. Technique of chopping and mixing [...]
The Making of Global World Class 10 Notes Social Science History Chapter 4 Trade: The activity of buying selling or exchanging goods or services between people firms or countries. Global inter contentedness: As early as 3000 BCE (Before the Christian Era), an active coastal trade linked the Indus Valley civilization with present day West Asia. [...]
Nationalism in India Class 10 Notes Social Science History Chapter 3 Mahatma Gandhi and the idea of Satyagraha: Mahatma Gandhi returned to India in 1915 from South Africa. Gandhiji’s novel method of mass agitation is know as ‘Satyagraha’. Satyagraha emphasized truth. Gandhiji believed that if the cause is true, if the struggle is against injustice, [...]
The Nationalist Movement in Indo-China Class 10 Notes Social Science History Chapter 2 INDO-CHINA: Comprises of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia — French colony. Views of Paul Bernard: Paul Bernard was an influential writer and policy-maker who strongly believed that the purpose of acquiring colonies was to make profits. According to him, the development of economy [...]
The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Class 10 Notes Social Science History Chapter 1 Nation (State): A large number of people of mainly common descent, language, history, inhabiting a territory bounded by defined limits and forming a society under one government is called a nation. Frederic Sorrieu and his visualization: In 1848, Frederic Sorrieu, a [...]