NCERT solutions for class 8 English It So Happened The Comet – II NCERT solutions for class 8 English It So Happened The Comet – II Question 1: “For a moment James wondered if he had done his sums right.” Why was James doubtful about his sums and calculations? Answer: James reached his hotel at [...]
NCERT solutions for class 8 English It So Happened The Comet – I It So Happened Class 8 Comprehension Check (Page 77) Questions: Why does Indrani Debi dislike Duttada’s “hobnobbing’ with Dibya? She is complaining and smiling. Why is she smiling? ‘ (i) What was Duttada’s secret ambition? (ii) What did he do to achieve [...]
NCERT solutions for class 8 English It So Happened Jalebis NCERT solutions for class 8 English It So Happened Jalebis Comprehension Check (Page 65) Questions: Why didn’t he pay the school fees on the day he brought money to school? (i) What were the coins ‘saying’ to him? (ii) Do you think they were misguiding [...]
NCERT solutions for class 8 English It So Happened The open window NCERT solutions for class 8 English It So Happened The open window Comprehension Check (Page 57) Questions: Why had Framton Nuttel come to the “rural retreat”? Why had his sister given him letters of introduction to people living there? What had happened in [...]
NCERT solutions for class 8 English It So Happened The fight NCERT solutions for class 8 English It So Happened The fight Comprehension Check (Page 49) Questions: In what way is the forest pool different from the one which Ranji knew in the Rajputana desert? The other boy asked Ranji to ‘explain’ himself. (i) What [...]
NCERT solutions for class 8 English It So Happened Princess September NCERT solutions for class 8 English It So Happened Princess September Comprehension Check (Page 38) Questions: How many daughters did the royal couple have? Why were they named after the months of the year? The King had a peculiar habit. What was it? Why [...]
NCERT solutions for class 8 English It So Happened The treasure with in NCERT solutions for class 8 English It So Happened The treasure with in Comprehension Check (Page 28) Questions: What did Hafeez Contractor have nightmares about? What did the Principal say to him, which influenced him deeply? “……………. that year I did not [...]
NCERT solutions for class 8 English It So Happened The selfish giant NCERT solutions for class 8 English It So Happened The selfish giant Comprehension Check (Page 20) Questions: Why is the Giant called selfish? On one occasion the children said: “How happy we are here!” Later they said: “How happy we were there!” What [...]
NCERT solutions for class 8 English It So Happened Children at work NCERT solutions for class 8 English It So Happened Children at work Comprehension Check (Page 9) Questions: Velu stood on the platform but he felt “as if he was still on a moving train.” Why? What made him feel miserable? (i) Velu travelled [...]
NCERT solutions for class 8 English It So Happened How The camel got his hump NCERT solutions for class 8 English It So Happened How The camel got his hump Question 1: What tasks, do you think, were assigned to the dog and the ox? Answer: The dog was assigned the task of fetching and [...]