Democratic Rights Class 9 Notes Social Science Civics Chapter 6 Rights are the reasonable claims of a person over other fellow beings, the society and the government. The claims should be such that they can be made available to others in an equal measure. Thus, a right comes with an obligation to respect other’s rights. [...]
Working of Institutions Class 9 Notes Social Science Civics Chapter 5 In a democracy, the rulers have to follow some rules and procedures. They have to work with and within institutions. In this process, they come across three institutions that play a key role in major decisions. These institutions are legislature, executive and judiciary. In [...]
Electoral Politics Class 9 Notes Social Science Civics Chapter 4 In a democracy, people do not govern directly. They govern through the elected- representatives. Governing through elected representatives is the most common form of democracy. Electoral politics is all about understanding election of representatives, need of elections and how to make election democratic. It also [...]
Constitutional Design Class 9 Notes Social Science Civics Chapter 3 The following topics from this chapter are being highlighted the most in the previous 3 year’s examinations and thereby hold significant importance. Democratic Constitution in South Africa. Making of the Indian Constitution Democratic Constitution in South Africa Nelson Mandela, the South African leader of African [...]
What is Democracy? Why Democracy? Class 9 Notes Social Science Civics Chapter 2 In the previous 3 years of examinations, significant importance has been given to the following topics from this chapter. The students are therefore asked to have a deep understanding as detailed answers (Long Answer Type) could be asked on these concepts. Meaning [...]
What is Democracy? Why Democracy? | Class 9 Civics What is Democracy? Democracy is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. In other words, a system of government where people are equipped with the authority to choose their governing legislators. Many of [...]