Population Class 9 Notes Social Science Geography Chapter 6 People ate the nation’s most valuable resource. A well-educated, healthy population provides potential power to the nation. The people are important to develop the economy and society, they make resources and use them. The people are themselves a resource with varying qualities. A census is an [...]
Natural Vegetation and Wild Life Class 9 Notes Social Science Geography Chapter 5 India is one of the twelve mega bio-diversity countries of the world. They are a group of countries that have the majority of the Earth’s species and therefore, considered extremely bio-diverse. Being a vast country, India having 47,000 plant species (out of [...]
Climate Class 9 Notes Social Science Geography Chapter 4 The term climate is the sum total of.the weather conditions (including variations) over a large area for a long period of time (more than thirty years). The term weather refers to the state of the atmosphere at a place and time with reference to the following [...]
Drainage Class 9 Notes Social Science Geography Chapter 3 In the previous 3 years’ examinations, significant importance has been given to the following topics from this chapter. Drainage Patterns Various River Basin System Pollution of Rivers. Drainage’ is a term signifying the river system of an area. A drainage basin or river basin is an [...]
Physical Features of India Class 9 Notes Social Science Geography Chapter 2 Since the previous 3 years’ examinations, the factual questions (Very Short Answer Type) have been asking relevant to various physical divisions of India consisting of the following topics : Location The Himalayan Mountains The Northern Plains The Peninsular Plateau The Indian Desert The [...]
India Size and Location Class 9 Notes Social Science Geography Chapter 1 The following topics from this chapter are being highlighted the most in the previous 3 year’s examinations and thereby hold significant importance. An important point is that only factual questions have been asked from this chapter (Very Short Answer Type). For example, the [...]