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Class 11 Political Science Notes Chapter 4 Executive

  • In a democracy, the Government is divided into three organs:
    • The Legislative
    • The Executive
    • The Judiciary
  •  The legislature and the executive are interdependent in a parliamentary system. The legislature frames the laws and the executive enforces them to run the administration.
  • In such a manner, the legislature controls the executive and in turn it is controlled by the executive.
  • Different types of executives are Parliamentary, Semi-Presidential, Presidential, Monarchical or Ceremonial, etc.
  • A distinction can be made between the parliamentary and the presidential executives.
  • In a parliamentary system, the real head of executive is the Prime Minister and the President is the nominal head.
  • The Prime Minister is assisted by the Council of Ministers and advises the President.
  • The President enjoys the right to be informed of all important matters and functioning of the council of ministers.
  • The Vice President is the ex-office Chairman of Rajya Sabha and acts for the President when the office of the President falls vacant.
  • The council of minister is responsible collectively to the house of the people and it shall not exceed 15% of total number of members of the house of the people.
  • The President appoints the Prime Minister who is the leader of the majority party in the Lok Sabha.
  • The executive, thus, includes the Prime Minister, the ministers and large administrative machinery. 13. The bureaucrats implement the decisions of ministers.
  • These bureaucrats are skilled and trained officers who work as a permanent employees of the government and assist the government in formulating and implementing the policies.

Important terms:

  • Electorate: The people who elect the representatives using votes.
  • Constituency: An area comes under parliament and a member is elected from there.
  • Components: Parts or organs
  • Insolvent: The one who is unable to pay one’s debts.
  • Harmonious: Balanced.
  • Tenure: A fixed period of office.
  • Impeachment: An act of officially accusing for a serious crime or offence.
  • Minimum Wages Act, 1948: An Act to provide for fixing minimum rates of wages in certain employment.
  • Nominate: To propose formally that somebody should be chosen for a position, an office, etc.

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