
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 27 Chuskit Goes To School NCERT PAGE NUMBER 212 1. How do you go to school? Ans. I go to school on bicycle. 2. Find out where Ladakh is. What kind of a place is it? Ans. Ladakh is in Kashmir. It is the highest plateau of the [...]


NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 26 Defence Officer: Wahida NCERT PAGE NUMBER 208 1. Do you know anyone who is in defence services? Ans. Yes, one of my uncles is in defence services. 2. Is the person in the Navy, Army or Air Force? Ans. He is in the Air Force. 3. What [...]


NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 25 Spicy Riddles PAGE NUMBER 199 1. I can be powdered fine To make food hot and spicy, If too much of me is added I make you gasp-shheee… shheee… Your eyes and nose begin to water And you cry! Think and tell me who am I? Tell [...]


NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter  24 Home And Abroad NCERT PAGE NUMBER 195 Discuss and Write 1. You can also make a small report comparing Abu Dhabi with the place where you live. You can use some of these points mentioned below while writing the report. You can also draw pictures or put [...]


NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 23 Pocham Palli NCERT PAGE NUMBER 189 Discuss 1. Vani and Prasad learnt this beautiful craft from their family members. When they grow up, do you think they will be able to teach their children the skills of this craft? Ans. Yes, they will be able to teach [...]


NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 22 The World In My Home NCERT PAGE NUMBER 180 Let Us Talk 1. In your home too, do people quarrel over fans, TV, newspapers, chairs or anything else? Ans. Yes, in my house also, me and my sister quarrel over TV. 2. In your home, who settles [...]


NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 21 Food And Fun NCERT PAGE NUMBER 175 1. Do you study in a boarding school? If you do not, try to talk with someone who goes to a boarding school and find out- (a) In what ways is boarding school different from other schools? Ans. In boarding [...]


NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 20 Eating Together NCERT PAGE NUMBER 167 Write in Your Notebook 1. Do you like to eat with others? Ans. Yes, I do like to eat with others. 2. On what occasions do you eat together with your friends? Ans. We eat together while celebrating festivals and functions. [...]


NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 19 Abdul In The Garden NCERT PAGE NUMBER 158 1. The stick which was stuck in the ground fell very easily. It was difficult to pull out a small grass. Why? Ans. The roots of grass were firmly holding the grass with soil, while the stick has no [...]


NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 18 Too Much Water Too Little Water    NCERT PAGE NUMBER 147 Discuss 1.How can unclean or dirty water harm our body? Ans. Our body can get many diseases because of dirty water. 2. Have you ever got dirty or unclean water in your area? What was the [...]